Special Today is for hormone balance:
Multi Pollen: Sold throughout Europe under 4 different names. contains 18 different flower pollens. Mold spore removed so you won't have allergic reactions. Helps urinary tract, prostate, immune, and endocrine. Many of the nutrients contained in this item are not found in our current food. Contains 400 different bioflavinoids. No toxic tag-a-longs. Take 1 or 2 a day If you already have great health it will help you keep it. Taking a spoonful of wild honey and multi-pollen a day will give you a healthy liver and prevent you from needing the Fem Balance and Fem PMS   
Fem Balance:For menopausal systems
Fem PMS: Helps with premenstrual issues

First Caller:
female, 69 yrs old, 160lbs, wants healthy jaw

Digestion is the first thng to check

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