I didn't get today's show from the very beginning but only about 20 minutes worth.

Today's special was Bladder Complex, Allicidin,and Hyssop Complex at 25% off for each

The first caller I caught dealt with these concerns: 
Ph, uterus, estrogen

The products recommended were:
aloe, coral, kIdney complex, estro complex, aloe

next caller:
question on nutrional help for osteoperosis.

discussion on:
parathyroid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin d, Fritz Popp, live source compounds

products recommended
nano green tea, kydney complex, coral, aloe,bone&joint complex


Next caller was dealing with immune response and blood pressure.

digestion, lactic acid, antacids, healthy blood pressure, QRA

products recommended:
quantum digest, HCL detox kit, nucleotides


Next caller was dealing with restoring hair color and youthful skin

stem cells, dental work, msm, gall bladder, coffee enema

products recommended:
b vitamins, medibody packs, colostrum, gall bladder nano, organic coffee